Monday, April 19, 2010


<a href="">Sinner by The Bloody Oranges</a>

This song came to me as I was falling asleep on the couch. I woke myself up and went straight into the studio. I wrote and recorded it in about 30 minutes because I just wanted a rough demo that I could polish up later. When I played it back though, there was nothing I could think of to add to it. So, I mixed it down and called it good. I tend to favor the songs that I record in this fashion. I guess it's because I don't have time to fret over trying to make it perfect and it just sounds more natural. Or maybe I just like my voice better when I'm sleepy.

The visuals in my head, when I wrote the lyrics, were set in a Spaghetti Western, despite the Middle-Eastern accents. A guy tells his wife he's been cheating. He's sorry and ashamed. The other woman hurt him somehow and he comes crawling back to his wife asking for forgiveness. She doesn't give it to him. So he takes her out back and throws her into an old well. It's an awful story. And I don't know that it has a moral. I just liked the pathetic and hopeless imagery of it.

Just a short while after mixing the tracks, I saw the clearest UFO I have ever seen in my entire life.

That story will come soon.

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