Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I’m sorry you can’t ascend.

I wish I could help you. Ghosts must be the saddest
souls. Trapped. Neither here nor there.
Not loved. Not really hated.
I don’t pretend to understand your misery.
And if I could do ANYTHING to free you from
this house I would. But I can’t. You are not mine
to set free. You were here when I arrived.
You will be here when I depart.


You are a legend. Even the
trees know your name. You played on them as
a child. Some of them are mere dead stumps in
the yard now. But they know you. As do I.
I’m not frightened of you. I understand
you. I’m not frightened. I love you.

I will always love you. I will stay in this old house
until my body dies. I swear I will come for you then.
I will be with you. I will haunt with you. For eternity.